Monday, January 12, 2009

back to the grind.

welp, it's official. i am back in school. its terrible, but great.

i had a great first day, but i feel a little overwhelmed -- but i think this i going to be a good (busy) semester. i am so thankful that i have the exact same classmates from last semester. awesome. it makes the first day jitters, disappear.

ummmmm... other than that. katy's wedding is SO soon. means i need to shape up. by shape up i mean... lose weight. soooo...more about that later.

so i started looking for an old picture of katy and i to post, but i found this instead. and's just SO much better than our faces. this was a photo shoot that katy and i had about... 2 years years ago....anyway....


1 comment:

Katy said...