Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gliffy! In a Jiffy!

1. I chose to work on -- it's a concept mapping website!

2. Concept mapping is organizing your thoughts into web-type designs! For a person like me who always has lists of things going on in their mind this tool is amazing! You can make different diagrams with this website, I chose to make a simple web diagram! It's SO easy!

3. This website is very user friendly! I signed up in less than a minute and before I knew it my entire web was done! All that was left was to make it visually appealing! I just clicked around the site looking for icons that looked familiar, and then I realized that they were all familiar icons -- which always makes things easier! I really think this will be a useful tool for me throughout my teaching career because I alway make lists in my head, and I think this will help me organize my thoughts! Perhaps even for lesson planning in the future!

4. --- here it is!

5. I found out after clicking around that if you change the colors BEFORE you choose a shape it saves a lot of time because you don't have to do it to EACH shape! I found out also that you can do floorplans on this website! SO COOL! You can also download your own pictures to use in your diagram.


Tim Kegley said...

Great job on technology. It would have been nice if it were hyperlinked but I was able to take a look anyway. Nice job this semester...take care.


lmetcalfe1025 said...

Looks great!! Good Job

Mrs. H. S. said...

I really like this website too. It was so easy like you said! You did a great job!


Andrea said...

I love what you have done with this. I never knew that this was out there for use! I think that it will be great in the classroom and in everyday use! Great job!

Ashley Michelle Schmoll said...


I thought your Christmas list web looked really creative and organized! You did a good job!

Dawnie said...

Good Idea! This will be really helpful for me too. It will help in prioritizing.

Amber Beth said...

Good job with this assignment, much like you I need a list or something of the sort so that I keep up with all of the things that i need to do. Nice work!

Amanda Bradley said...

I used Gliffy too. I even did the Christmas List Idea too. I thought you did a wonderful job. Nice color scheme. =)

Melissa Knorr said...

this looks really cool. I might have to use it when I write my next paper.

Kaitlyn Elkins said...

This is very cute. I like it a lot. I would be very useful in a classroom

Christina Tucker said...

Great job! I was going to do the same thing but decided otherwise and now I know how easy it is to use! Thanks for the tips :)