Thursday, August 6, 2009

flea market.

i've missed you guys! busy few weeks, sorry!

sooo katy && i wanna sell some bags at a flea market...would you come if we did?

i started making some stuff... really only 2 things...but lemme hear what you think?!
obviously the fabric i chose for these are ones that i enjoy, hahha. buuut they won't ALL be like that!

cupcake change purse, of course. hahaha. it is verrrry tiny.

this is a reversible tote. im pretty proud of it <3
side #2 -- lemons <3

that's all so far, but i've already had a request for a fanny pack, hahaah. && you knoooow i'm all over that! hahah


1 comment:

Unknown said...

The bag i great we all like it alot stop flea market booth then money time :)