Friday, July 3, 2009

rick warren. (i'm soul searching)

i am re-reading the purpose driven life -- the last time i read it was in 2003 when i was just a little 15 year old baby :)

ive decided i need to rediscover my purpose. it is a 40 day journey to discover your purpose -- but i think im gonna read it faster than that, ya know? i don't know if i'll post about ALL of the days, but ill start today & see how it goes.

&& anyway -- day 1.
it's not about me. ...

1. my purpose is not to use god to fufill my purposes, but to allow myself to be used for his.
2. i get to choose my career, my friends, my spouse, my car...but i dont get to choose my purpose.
3. without god, life makes no sense.

&& therefore;

self help is no help at all. self sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. (matthew 16:25)

everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him (colossians 1:16)

xoxo. kathi

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